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1982 Camp Lowden
1982 Camp Lowden
Comments: 0

Found: 128 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 128.

1930s blk M on org felt on canvas
1930s blk M on org felt on canvas (Scheiderer)
Maries (MO)
Comments: 0
1954-1955 (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0
1958 (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0
1960 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1960s (early)-1964 (exact dates unknown) 2 with segments
1960s (early)-1964 (exact dates unknown) 2 with segments (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0
1961-1965 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1966 (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1966-1969 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1968 (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1970-1971 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1971 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues
1971 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1971-1978 cb
1971-1978 cb (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1971-1978 pb
1971-1978 pb (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1972-1973 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1973 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues
1973 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1974-1975 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1976 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1977-1978 cb
1977-1978 cb (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1977-1978 pb
1977-1978 pb (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1979 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1980 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1981 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1982 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1983 darker border
1983 darker border (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1983 lighter border
1983 lighter border (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1984 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1984 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1984, 25th year of camp
1984, 25th year of camp (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1985 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1985 (hosted by Lake District)
1985 (hosted by Lake District) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1985 BSA Diamond Jubilee, 25th Annivesary
1985 BSA Diamond Jubilee, 25th Annivesary (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
1985 High Adventure (collectors issue)
1985 High Adventure (collectors issue) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1986 High Adventure (collectors issue)
1986 High Adventure (collectors issue) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1987 Adventure Trail
1987 Adventure Trail (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1987 hat pin
1987 hat pin (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1987 High Adventure
1987 High Adventure (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
1987 thick letters
1987 thick letters (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1987 thin letters
1987 thin letters (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1988 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1988 Sand Hill Scout Reservation
1988 Sand Hill Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0
1989 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1989 Sand Hill Scout Reservation
1989 Sand Hill Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0
1990 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1992 Camper (without loop)
1992 Camper (without loop) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1992 Staff (with loop)
1992 Staff (with loop) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1993 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1994 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1996 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1997 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1998 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1998 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
1999 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
2000 1st Annual Baden Powell Award
2000 1st Annual Baden Powell Award (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
2008 Sand Hill Scout Reservation - Camper Error
2008 Sand Hill Scout Reservation - Camper Error (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0
2009, 50th year of camp
2009, 50th year of camp (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
2015 (50th Anniversary)
2015 (50th Anniversary) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
Adventure Island Camp
Adventure Island Camp (Scheiderer)
Unknown Location
Comments: 0
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety a
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety a (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety b
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety b (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety c
Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety c (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Algonquin Trail, Issue 2
Algonquin Trail, Issue 2 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Algonquin Trail, Issue 3, 2010
Algonquin Trail, Issue 3, 2010 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Alpine Scout Camp GN BG
Alpine Scout Camp GN BG (Scheiderer)
Alpine (NY)
Comments: 0
Bashore Scout Reservation
Bashore Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Bashore (PA)
Comments: 0
belt buckle, Thunderbird, Hohn
belt buckle, Thunderbird, Hohn (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
blk W on org
blk W on org (Scheiderer)
Winnetka (MO)
Comments: 0
Camp Guyasuta
Camp Guyasuta (Scheiderer)
Guyasuta (PA)
Comments: 0
Camp Hayden TMR
Camp Hayden TMR (Scheiderer)
Hayden (NY)
Comments: 0
Camp Umbstaetter
Camp Umbstaetter (Scheiderer)
Umbstaetter (PA)
Comments: 0
CampDanielBooneScoutmastersMeritBadge2x (Scheiderer)
Daniel Boone (NC)
Comments: 0
Campmaster (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Campmaster, hat pin
Campmaster, hat pin (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
Greater New York Councils Counselor In Training 1978
Greater New York Councils Counselor In Training 1978 (Scheiderer)
Council: Greater New York (NY)
Comments: 0
grn and yel on red, tepee in center (large door)
grn and yel on red, tepee in center (large door) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
grn and yel on red, tepee in center (small door)
grn and yel on red, tepee in center (small door) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
hat diamond
hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
hat diamond
hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0
hat patch, Camper, 1 year
hat patch, Camper, 1 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
hat patch, Camper, 2 year
hat patch, Camper, 2 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
hat patch, Camper, 3 year
hat patch, Camper, 3 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
hat patch, Camper, 4 year
hat patch, Camper, 4 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
hat patch, Camper, 5 year
hat patch, Camper, 5 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
Henry Kaufmann Tree Plant
Henry Kaufmann Tree Plant (Scheiderer)
Kaufmann, Henry (NY)
Comments: 0
Kernochan TMR IC
Kernochan TMR IC (Scheiderer)
Kernochan (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0
Kit Carson Trail, variety a
Kit Carson Trail, variety a (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
Kit Carson Trail, variety b
Kit Carson Trail, variety b (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
Kunatah K Patch
Kunatah K Patch (Scheiderer)
Kunatah (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0
Kunatah Red Hexagon
Kunatah Red Hexagon (Scheiderer)
Kunatah (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0
manufacturers sample-High Adventure-grn border
manufacturers sample-High Adventure-grn border (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
manufacturers sample-High Adventure-yel border
manufacturers sample-High Adventure-yel border (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, less color
NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, less color (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0
NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, more color
NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, more color (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0
Pouch Conservation Camporee
Pouch Conservation Camporee (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0
Pouch Terk O Ree 1970
Pouch Terk O Ree 1970 (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0
Ranachqua 94
Ranachqua 94 (Scheiderer)
Ranachqua (NY)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill 25th Anniv BP
Rock Hill 25th Anniv BP (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1980 PP
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1980 PP (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1986
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1986 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1988
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1988 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1989
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1989 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1993
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1993 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 35th Anniv
Rock Hill Scout Reservation 35th Anniv (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation DK Gn Bdr
Rock Hill Scout Reservation DK Gn Bdr (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation Emb N_C
Rock Hill Scout Reservation Emb N_C (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Rock Hill Scout Reservation Fleurdelis
Rock Hill Scout Reservation Fleurdelis (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0
Schiele_Scout_Reservation  hat diamond
Schiele_Scout_Reservation hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Schiele, Bud (NC)
Comments: 0
SOAR, N (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0
South Florida Council, Snapper Creek Camp, 1944
South Florida Council, Snapper Creek Camp, 1944 (Scheiderer)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River All Season Camper
Ten Mile River All Season Camper (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Celebrates Scoutings 75th Anniversary
Ten Mile River Celebrates Scoutings 75th Anniversary (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Counselor In Training 1970
Ten Mile River Counselor In Training 1970 (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Gold Octagon
Ten Mile River Gold Octagon (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Nature
Ten Mile River Nature (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Scout Camps All Season Camper
Ten Mile River Scout Camps All Season Camper (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
Ten Mile River Scoutcraft
Ten Mile River Scoutcraft (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR 75TH Anniv Gold Bdr
TMR 75TH Anniv Gold Bdr (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR 75TH Anniv White Bdr
TMR 75TH Anniv White Bdr (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR Field Sports
TMR Field Sports (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR Gold Border Deer
TMR Gold Border Deer (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR Octagon Yellow BDR
TMR Octagon Yellow BDR (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
TMR Staff 2000
TMR Staff 2000 (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
undated (early 2000's) Staff
undated (early 2000's) Staff (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
undated, grn letters and design on wht felt
undated, grn letters and design on wht felt (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0
undated, maroon letters and design on white felt
undated, maroon letters and design on white felt (Scheiderer)
Maries (MO)
Comments: 0
undated, wht letters and design on red felt
undated, wht letters and design on red felt (Scheiderer)
Council: Central Missouri (MO)
Comments: 0
White Indian Cliff TMR PP No YR
White Indian Cliff TMR PP No YR (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0
William Pouch Round BP Lake View
William Pouch Round BP Lake View (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0
William Pouch Totem Pole Round
William Pouch Totem Pole Round (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0

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