Random image |
 1982 Camp Lowden
Comments: 0 w9fz
Found: 128 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 128.

1930s blk M on org felt on canvas (Scheiderer)
Maries (MO)
Comments: 0

1954-1955 (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0

1958 (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0

1960 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1960s (early)-1964 (exact dates unknown) 2 with segments (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0

1961-1965 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1966 (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1966-1969 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1968 (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1970-1971 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1971 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1971-1978 cb (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1971-1978 pb (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1972-1973 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1973 (circa), exact issue unknown, may be same as one of the other issues (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1974-1975 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1976 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1977-1978 cb (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1977-1978 pb (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1979 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1980 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1981 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1982 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1983 darker border (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1983 lighter border (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1984 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1984 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1984, 25th year of camp (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1985 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1985 (hosted by Lake District) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1985 BSA Diamond Jubilee, 25th Annivesary (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

1985 High Adventure (collectors issue) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1986 High Adventure (collectors issue) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1987 Adventure Trail (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1987 hat pin (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1987 High Adventure (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

1987 thick letters (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1987 thin letters (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1988 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1988 Sand Hill Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0

1989 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1989 Sand Hill Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0

1990 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1992 Camper (without loop) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1992 Staff (with loop) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1993 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1994 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1996 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1997 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1998 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1998 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

1999 (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

2000 1st Annual Baden Powell Award (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

2008 Sand Hill Scout Reservation - Camper Error (Scheiderer)
Sand Hill (FL)
Comments: 0

2009, 50th year of camp (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

2015 (50th Anniversary) (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

Adventure Island Camp (Scheiderer)
Unknown Location
Comments: 0

Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety a (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety b (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Algonquin Trail, Issue 1, variety c (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Algonquin Trail, Issue 2 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Algonquin Trail, Issue 3, 2010 (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Alpine Scout Camp GN BG (Scheiderer)
Alpine (NY)
Comments: 0

Bashore Scout Reservation (Scheiderer)
Bashore (PA)
Comments: 0

belt buckle, Thunderbird, Hohn (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

blk W on org (Scheiderer)
Winnetka (MO)
Comments: 0

Camp Guyasuta (Scheiderer)
Guyasuta (PA)
Comments: 0

Camp Hayden TMR (Scheiderer)
Hayden (NY)
Comments: 0

Camp Umbstaetter (Scheiderer)
Umbstaetter (PA)
Comments: 0

CampDanielBooneScoutmastersMeritBadge2x (Scheiderer)
Daniel Boone (NC)
Comments: 0

Campmaster (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Campmaster, hat pin (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

Greater New York Councils Counselor In Training 1978 (Scheiderer)
Council: Greater New York (NY)
Comments: 0

grn and yel on red, tepee in center (large door) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

grn and yel on red, tepee in center (small door) (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Thunderbird (MO)
Comments: 0

hat patch, Camper, 1 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

hat patch, Camper, 2 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

hat patch, Camper, 3 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

hat patch, Camper, 4 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

hat patch, Camper, 5 year (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

Henry Kaufmann Tree Plant (Scheiderer)
Kaufmann, Henry (NY)
Comments: 0

Kernochan TMR IC (Scheiderer)
Kernochan (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0

Kit Carson Trail, variety a (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

Kit Carson Trail, variety b (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

Kunatah K Patch (Scheiderer)
Kunatah (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0

Kunatah Red Hexagon (Scheiderer)
Kunatah (NY) (TMR)
Comments: 0

manufacturers sample-High Adventure-grn border (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

manufacturers sample-High Adventure-yel border (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, less color (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0

NC slide, indian wearing headress, plaster, similar to one issued by Philmost, more color (Scheiderer)
Pa-He-Tsi (MO)
Comments: 0

Pouch Conservation Camporee (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0

Pouch Terk O Ree 1970 (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0

Ranachqua 94 (Scheiderer)
Ranachqua (NY)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill 25th Anniv BP (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1980 PP (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1986 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1988 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1989 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 1993 (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation 35th Anniv (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation DK Gn Bdr (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation Emb N_C (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Rock Hill Scout Reservation Fleurdelis (Scheiderer)
Rock Hill (NJ)
Comments: 0

Schiele_Scout_Reservation hat diamond (Scheiderer)
Schiele, Bud (NC)
Comments: 0

SOAR, N (Scheiderer)
Hohn (MO)
Comments: 0

South Florida Council, Snapper Creek Camp, 1944 (Scheiderer)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River All Season Camper (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Celebrates Scoutings 75th Anniversary (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Counselor In Training 1970 (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Gold Octagon (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Nature (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Scout Camps All Season Camper (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

Ten Mile River Scoutcraft (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR 75TH Anniv Gold Bdr (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR 75TH Anniv White Bdr (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR Field Sports (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR Gold Border Deer (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR Octagon Yellow BDR (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

TMR Staff 2000 (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

undated (early 2000's) Staff (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

undated, grn letters and design on wht felt (Scheiderer)
Council: Great Rivers (MO)
Comments: 0

undated, maroon letters and design on white felt (Scheiderer)
Maries (MO)
Comments: 0

undated, wht letters and design on red felt (Scheiderer)
Council: Central Missouri (MO)
Comments: 0

White Indian Cliff TMR PP No YR (Scheiderer)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps (NY)
Comments: 0

William Pouch Round BP Lake View (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0

William Pouch Totem Pole Round (Scheiderer)
Pouch, William H. (NY)
Comments: 0